The Trouble with Daleks

In this novella, master storyteller Paris Portingale explores how relationships might develop between humans and Daleks in a world where Daleks are a part of regular society.

‘The Trouble with Daleks’ takes place at a time when Daleks have been around for about 50 years. Paris Portingale paints the Daleks as a separate race, and uses that to explore all kinds of undercurrents which we might not normally notice in our day-to-day society.

We are taken to a world where the Daleks in question all work as servants for different families. They each come with their own set of problems, their own personalities, and their own agendas.

This is a work of fan fiction, and both the author and publisher acknowledge that the Daleks are the invention of Terry Nation and subsequently immortalised in the BBC television series Dr Who. No infringement of any copyright is intended by any part of this story and this story is for anyone to share with like-minded people who may have an interest in Daleks and what a world with Daleks might be like, especially a world with Daleks but without Dr Who!