Character Options Doctor Who 11 Doctors Action Figure Collector Set

Join The Doctor throughout all incarnations of his existence, with the Doctor Who 11 Doctors Collection . For the first time, all eleven versions of the Doctor have come together as a set of action figures, in a TARDIS display box . The figures of the first to seventh Doctors appear in brand new outfits exclusive to this boxed set . Each Doctor comes with an accessory , either his sonic screwdriver, or a personal possession. The First and Second Doctors (William Hartnell, 1963-1966, and Patrick Troughton, 1966-1969) come dressed in the outfits they wore when they appeared in “The Three Doctors”, helping the Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee, 1970-1974) fighting off the ancient, crazed Time Lord known as Omega. The Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker 1974-1981) appears wearing his legendary multicoloured scarf. The Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison, 1981-1984), remembered for wearing an Edwardian cricket outfit, now features his famous stick of celery! The Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker, 1984-1986) comes wearing one of his bizarrely garish outfits. The Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy, 1987-1989) was much better dressed, as seen with this exclusive figure. The Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann, 1996) only made one television appearance, and this is the first time he has appeared as an action figure. The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Ecclestone, 2005) was only around for a short while, before causing a regeneration to save Rose Tyler’s life. The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant, 2005-2010) then thwarts several attempts to destroy the universe, before finally defeating his long-time nemesis, The Master. The Eleventh version of the Doctor , played by Matt Smith, appears in his tweed jacket and bow-tie, having just saved the universe from the cracks in time.