great toy My son got this one and Dr Who figure for his birthday. This is a great toy and very popular in this house. Because it is 12″ it matches his other twelve inch toys likes Batman, Spiderman etc (plus his sister’s Barbie dolls). There have been some great battles between this lot! The Cyberman is very well made and we have had no problems with breakages despite some thrashing about. He is articulated but cannot actually sit down (although to be fair I’ve never seen if a Cyberman CAN sit down). Highly recommend and at Amazon’s price is a steal!
Excellent Value My Nephew loves this figure. It provides hours of play for him & pairs up nicely with the 12″ Doctor Who figure.The best thing is that Amazon are offering it at such a bargain price!
“Excellent!” I really like this figure. Obviously by its very nature it is a lot chunkier and better made than The Doctor figure, and has a really nice metal finish.My only complaint is that there were no accessories with it (the gun on the arm hardly counts). Cybermen were seen wielding Preacher guns at the end of the last series, so including one of those wouldn’t have gone amiss.The Cyber Leader figure comes with a removable chest plate and an EMP grenade – obviously they’ve done this so that the Cyber Leader isn’t just a Cyberman with a touch of extra black paint, or that would be a bit of a rip off. As it is though I still think a little something extra might have been nice, but a really good product nonetheless.
great toy My son got this one and Dr Who figure for his birthday. This is a great toy and very popular in this house. Because it is 12″ it matches his other twelve inch toys likes Batman, Spiderman etc (plus his sister’s Barbie dolls). There have been some great battles between this lot! The Cyberman is very well made and we have had no problems with breakages despite some thrashing about. He is articulated but cannot actually sit down (although to be fair I’ve never seen if a Cyberman CAN sit down). Highly recommend and at Amazon’s price is a steal!
Excellent Value My Nephew loves this figure. It provides hours of play for him & pairs up nicely with the 12″ Doctor Who figure.The best thing is that Amazon are offering it at such a bargain price!
“Excellent!” I really like this figure. Obviously by its very nature it is a lot chunkier and better made than The Doctor figure, and has a really nice metal finish.My only complaint is that there were no accessories with it (the gun on the arm hardly counts). Cybermen were seen wielding Preacher guns at the end of the last series, so including one of those wouldn’t have gone amiss.The Cyber Leader figure comes with a removable chest plate and an EMP grenade – obviously they’ve done this so that the Cyber Leader isn’t just a Cyberman with a touch of extra black paint, or that would be a bit of a rip off. As it is though I still think a little something extra might have been nice, but a really good product nonetheless.