Doctor Who Revisitations 3 (The Tomb of the Cybermen/Robots of Death/The Three Doctors) [DVD]

The Revisitations box sets have proven to be something of a treasure trove for Doctor Who enthusiasts. The principle is simple: take a trio of previously-released stories, and go back and do the job in a lot more detail the second time around.

For this third collection, then, the stories selected come from three different eras of the famous Time Lord. Patrick Troughton headlines The Tomb Of The Cybermen, Tom Baker is the Doctor in The Robots Of Death, and Jon Pertwee is joined by William Hartnell and Troughton again for The Three Doctors.

The stories all have real merits to them, but it’s the exceptional package of supplementary material makes the Revisitations 3 set so special. Just take one of the stories. The Robots Of Death features a pair of commentary tracks, including everything from Tom Baker himself to Leela’s costume choices. On top of that, there’s a traditionally comprehensive look back at the making of the story itself. But it’s also the level of detail, right down to model shots, and the floor plan of the studio itself, that really fleshes the extra material out.

Picks from the other stories? Well, ‘Was Doctor Who Rubbish?’ asks an entertaining feature on The Three Doctors, whilst there’s rare footage of lost story Evil Of The Daleks packaged in with The Tomb Of The Cybermen.

Whether you’re a paid up Doctor Who fan or not, what these comprehensive discs provide is a deep, insightful look at the challenges of mounting such ambitious productions in far less advanced technical times. And, best of all, the stories here, especially The Robots Of Death, are really good, too. —Simon Brew