An Excellent Title Written by the actor who brought the old enemy of the Doctor to Life. A hard task considering he was in a full body costume.This book was amongst the better books written then or now about Dr Who’s monsters. Text rather than photos dominate telling the better story of the Cybermen both infront and brhind camera and including untelivised material. Some of this book was dictated onto CD for the cybermen tin collection a few years ago.This is one for fans, fans of the cybermen when they actually were decent monsters mentioned in the new series but never seen.
Cybermen: A behind-the-scenes book of the very best kind. The Cybermen were one of the most popular monsters featured on the long running British science fiction series, Doctor Who. Although they appeared to be seven-foot tall metal robots, the cybermen were, in fact, once human. Faced with a hostile environment and a decreasing lifespan, the cybermen replaced their organs and limbs with more durable bionic components. They surgically replaced all weaknesses, including the emotional weaknesses that made them human, becoming in the process something less than human – dehumanised machine creatures determined to survive by the conquest and assimilation of other races. (They are suspected to be one of the inspirations for Star Trek’s, Borg.)
An Excellent Title Written by the actor who brought the old enemy of the Doctor to Life. A hard task considering he was in a full body costume.This book was amongst the better books written then or now about Dr Who’s monsters. Text rather than photos dominate telling the better story of the Cybermen both infront and brhind camera and including untelivised material. Some of this book was dictated onto CD for the cybermen tin collection a few years ago.This is one for fans, fans of the cybermen when they actually were decent monsters mentioned in the new series but never seen.
Cybermen: A behind-the-scenes book of the very best kind. The Cybermen were one of the most popular monsters featured on the long running British science fiction series, Doctor Who. Although they appeared to be seven-foot tall metal robots, the cybermen were, in fact, once human. Faced with a hostile environment and a decreasing lifespan, the cybermen replaced their organs and limbs with more durable bionic components. They surgically replaced all weaknesses, including the emotional weaknesses that made them human, becoming in the process something less than human – dehumanised machine creatures determined to survive by the conquest and assimilation of other races. (They are suspected to be one of the inspirations for Star Trek’s, Borg.)