Learn to levitate the TARDIS, so it actually floats in mid-air! Then with a little flick of the wrist, its spinning, and spinning, and spinning… It does take a little practice, but its well worth the efforts in this extraordinary desktop curiosity keeps people amazed for hours. Every office and home should have one! Cut-out system initiates after 90 minutes of use.
3 thoughts on “Wow Stuff Doctor Who Timelord Spinning Tardis”
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Great novelty, shame about the batteries I received this as a birthday present and was thrilled. I managed to rustle up 6 new AA batteries and was fascinated watching the Tardis spin, slow, then reverse direction.Sadly, each set of 6 AA batteries I’ve put in has lasted about 3 – 4 hours. This makes it expensive to run without a 9 mains adaptor.Very happy with it, but will only have it running on special occasions instead of permanently as I’d like.
Nice, but failed after one day. My son had this for Xmas. It worked Xmas day, but it hasn’t worked since. Tried it on two different 9V power supplies, but it still won’t work. Am going to get the sister in law to request a replacement as he loved it while it worked. Here’s hoping for better luck next time. Unfortunately, the Xmas packaging has been chucked!
Amazing concept, terrible result I loved playing with this in the store, and spinning it around. As soon as i had bought my own and brought it home it worked a treat for about ten minutes then (and i have no idea why they include such a device) the light sensor seems to decide its too dark and it shuts off. So now it seems to refuse to float at all. They could of easily made the device more straight forward, such as the light actually turning on when it was in the right spot instead of you simply guessing from the pull of the magnets. So now im stuch with a tardis that only sticks on the top or sits at the bottom connected to nothing. This was really dissapointing as i was really hoping it would be a straight forward desk toy, but i cant hate it too much as it did work for a bit. It’s just it should have an on and off switch rather than letting the device itself decide where it will and wont work.